I’m Adrian Artiles. I live in San Francisco, where I build things that help others.
We moved around a lot when I was a kid. I was born an hour south of San Francisco before moving to Chicago, then Miami, then Texas, and then Chicago again.
I went to college in Chicago where I got a degree in finance and marketing. I paid for college through a combination of day trading, building websites for businesses, and high interest student loans. I also may or may not have ran a sophisticated and wildly profitable fake ID operation. I then graduated and backpacked around Europe for some time.
I then went to work for a telecom startup in Chicago, before leaving for another startup in San Francisco. Eventually I started my own company, Kionin, to provide telecom data. Over the years I bootstrapped and grew Kionin to profitability, which was a great exercise in overcoming challenges and questioning life choices at 2am.
Kionin has now grown to multiple products and select client work.
When I'm not working, you can usually find me working. That is by design, I am very fortunate in that I enjoy what I do and am working on something I find important.
I stay healthy by exercising, meditating, reading, socializing, traveling, and a few other things I'm sure I'm forgetting.